Old Customs House, Sydney

Current Customs House, Sydney
Trade Consultants commenced services in January 1991 in Sydney and was initially jointly owned by a number of Australian co-investors and Trade Consultants Ltd (based in Auckland, New Zealand).
In 1996, Phillip Levy purchased the shareholding of all other co-owners to become the sole owner operator of the company. Since then, Trade Consultants has been providing importers and exporters alike with timely, accurate and cost-effective advice.
We offer international trade advice to large and small businesses and sole traders who grapple not only with increasing costs and increasing competition, but also the complexity of trading with people and companies outside Australia.
Industry practices regarding manufacture in Australia have undergone marked changes since the 1990s. Protectionism has given way to open market access for goods produced outside the country. Similarly, companies have had to adopt new approaches to selling their products to overseas markets. The concept of a country manufacturing everything it could consume under a protective cloak has been revised to the concept of the provision of employment in industries where Australia (specifically) has a natural advantage such as mining and agriculture (including the manufacture of food products). Multi-national and bi-lateral trade agreements have been signed with various countries whereby (arguably) equal access to goods and services is allowed between the relative signatory parties.
As a consequence, Australia's international traders have encountered the need for ever changing and demanding skills that previously were not available in-house. Indeed, this is still so today. No company's management team can expect to know everything there is to know in this international trading environment. That is exactly where Trade Consultants can help.
Call us to see where Trade Consultants can help your company to be more successful.